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Ísland.is appið

Með ríkið í vasanum

CPL/ATPL Application for Part-FCL licence re-issue, formerly LF-350

RAF-0147ENSK - formerly LF-350

Please note to include all supporting documents with the application, copy of license, medical and logbook.
For new ratings please include course completion and the skill test documents.
The administration time of a license issue can be up to 3 weeks from the date all documents have been received by ICETRA. If documents are missing, you will be notified. When the license is ready you will be notified.
Email address for licensing is fcl@icetra.is
Licensing phone hours are Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9 am -11 am, +354 480 6120.

Reason for re-issue 

For other, please describe 

Supporting documents

All supporting documents must either be held by the Iceland Transport Authority, or attached here.

Copy of licence, needs to be attached. Please hand in older licence when you receive a new one. 

Copy of medical certificate 

Test/check documents (if applicable) 

Course completion certificates (if applicable) 

Copy of logbook (filled and signed, last 2 pages) 

Verification of refresher training from an ATO (for lapsed rating) 

Other attachment, if needed 

Applicant details

Full name 

Kennitala if applicable or Date of birth 

Permanent address 


E-mail address 


Licence number 


State valid ratings/privileges

Rating (class, type, instructor) 

Date of test/check (if applicable) 

Valid until 

Rating (class, type, instructor) 

Date of test/check (if applicable) 

Valid until 

Rating (class, type, instructor) 

Date of test/check (if applicable) 

Valid until 

Rating (class, type, instructor) 

Date of test/check (if applicable) 

Valid until 

Rating (class, type, instructor) 

Date of test/check (if applicable) 

Valid until 

Flying experience

As PIC last 12 months 

Total flight hours 

If you don't see a confirmation number appear after you've sent the application, it has not been transmitted successfully.


Hafðu samband

Sími: 480 6000
Netfang: samgongustofa@samgongustofa.is


Opið virka daga frá
9:00 til 15:00


Ármúla 2,
108 Reykjavík